
Wednesday 5 June 2013

The Interview

So last week I went for an interview. The first in about 10 years.
To give a bit of background, I have a Bsc Hons degree in Zoology and have worked any years in the science field.  A few years ago I decided to do a Masters in Landscape Architecture as a way to combine my scientific background and my creative side. Well that is another whole story to be told some other time.
I worked for many years prior to having babies...then took time off to be a fulltime mother. However I did keep busy and the wolf from the door by doing a bit of webpage design.

So now the kids are growing up, and I want to work. I desperately want to work. For my sanity, to keep that horrid wolf from bashing down the door and to see and work with other people again. Really tired of my own company and bouncing ideas around inside my own head.

So I applied for a job (have applied for many to no avail) -this is for a job that was neither science nor Landscape architecture, but a web administrator post -  and GOT an interview... had to read the email about 5 times to make sure that they were actually saying they wanted to interview me.

On the day it took me two hours to dress....have no idea what working people wear - guess its not jeans and sloppy jerseys. Had to scrounge thro the wardrobe for the smartest clothes I have, put on some make up....and off I went...scared, nervous, terrified but excited!!! Well the interview lasted 10 minutes. Enough time for them to tell me I was too old - they are actually looking for a junior person - but my CV was interesting so wanted to meet me. Geeez, they could have just invited me for a beer at the local pub and talk about my wildly interesting past! And I could've worn jeans.....

Tuesday 4 June 2013

My Ancient Toothless Pug Dilemma

Vets are a puzzle to me, I don't think I have ever met one I can say I actually related well to. My two most recent encounters with vets have cost me an absolute fortune and I am no closer to solving the problem.

My dear, ancient, toothless pug Annie has developed a cough; a loud, hollow, ongoing cough. When she coughs her whole body heaves poor thing! She has always had a forlorn look about her, but recently her eyes have filled with a watery sadness that is hard to ignore.

 I took her to a conventional vet who informed me that she has kennel cough and this of course made me feel responsible because I had not given her her most recent vaccination.  Well, 250 dollars later she did not improve, and the antibiotics did not work, the cough has persisted.

 The second vet took a less conventional approach, he checked her blood, looked in her mouth, listened to her heart and told me that some of her remaining teeth were rotten and that this was causing her infection in her mouth and resulting in a cough. 350 dollars later she is home with an ongoing cough, a new diet of raw chicken frames and broccoli and carrots and antibiotics for three weeks.......and an autoimmune booster powder, but there's still the on going cough. I was advised by him that the chances are that she will not survive a general anaesthetic to have the teeth out at the age of 14 years and so I sit with my dilemma.......and reflect........
How will it be one day when I am ancient and sickly and who will decide what is best for me?

I may feel old at 50 years, but I have my health......something to really value!